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Top-Down Arena Shooter - UE5 - 2022

Producer | Texture Artist


With a team of 13 students, Runeimancer was a prototype created in only 2 weeks to prove out a pitched game idea.

As developers we wanted to showcase both a final look into the art style and then a very simple rundown of the gameplay loop as well.

I acted mainly as a Producer and Texture Artist for this project, organizing what we could scope for a single sprint, and what aspects of the pitch we wanted to showcase.

Runeimancer Prototype Showcase
Play Video


As Producer

I organized the communication channels we would use for the length of the project and also set the times that we would meet as a team and go over the updates we had. 

We had a detailed Miro board for the original pitch idea and setting and used it as our reference and board. Since we were all students, main features and settings were voted upon and decided in the Miro board.

As the deadline was getting closer we eventually cut down our spells from 5 to 3 so that we could focus more of our efforts on polish.

As the main texture artist of the team, I would take the 3D models as they were being finished, hand-painted them, and then handed them off to our environment artist to place in the scene. There was a time when it took a lot experimentation to figure out what our pipeline would look and what sort of style suited our gameplay best. I took the time to standardize my workflow so that the textures and/or fixed model I gave to environment art was consistent.

As a Texture Artist

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