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Pixel Platform Shooter - Unity - 2022

Producer | Artist


With a team of 5 students, Space Out was made in 12 weeks from start to finish. This game was made to bring awareness to a maladaptive daydreaming, a mental illness where inner fantasies and thoughts prevent people from focusing on reality. The game is designed to reflect the player's choices in the final scenes, showcasing the consequences of their actions, and the importance of small decisions.

I acted as both producer and artist for this project, creating key art for the title screen, helping team members keep track of their tasks, and making sure the serious element of the message was present in gameplay.

SpaceOut Trailer
Play Video

Game Trailer

As a Producer

I created and maintained our Trello board, ran meetings, and also initiated team stand ups. There was a a great deal of flux when it came to the game idea and storyline that needed to incorporate our alternative value which garnered a lot of change and pivoting for the team. We decided to cut many of the original features in order to better focus on the gameplay itself feel fun and allowing some more room for polish. Since i pitched the original idea of the game, I was often the advocate for how the alternative value would be fully incorporated in both gameplay, and our storytelling.

I was mainly in charge of key art, UI, cutscenes, and foliage creation. I focused my efforts in bringing the game to life with art that communicated a sense of the game world and story to the player without obstructing gameplay or player objectives. I designed and created the assets for the pause menu and the little extras that were added for further storytelling. I concepted and animated the short cutscenes at the beginning of the game and for both endings as well. I also worked closely with the other members of the team to bring cohesion and consistency to the sound design, level design, and music of the game. 

As an Artist

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